Monday, February 22, 2010

White Tower

It's almost time for a trip to the tower - I did some googling, and this is what I found out:

The tower served as both a watchtower and the minaret of the White Mosque, which stood nearby in the 8th century (only a few ruins are left , but you can see a model at the Ramla Museum). Apparently, it was an architectural gem in those days, and a great source of local pride – a medieval Empire State Building of sorts.

The legend goes that the inhabitants of nearby Lod were jealous and decided to steal the tower. At night, they crept to Ramla and tied it up with miraculous ropes given to them by a wise man. They pulled with all their might and were sure it was moving. By daybreak, when they thought they were almost home, the ropes snapped – they were made of rubber – and tower had not moved an inch. “Jam’a al-abiyad bitkarb” (“the White Tower is near”) thus became the great put-down, used whenever the people of Ramla wanted to tease the people of Lod.

-Ramla things to do

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