I didn't do much for Shabbat, but pleasantly was surprised when I was invited to the other apartment along with my roommates. White shirt, purple kippa, red wine and we were off. Jonathan and I may have been the most knowledgeable about Shabbat - which isn't saying much. He said Kiddush, and then we washed, said hamotzi and ate. I don't think anyone lit candles. We never got to bensch at the end.
I was a pit perturbed by the cell phone usage. I don't keep shabbat necessarily, but I find cell phones at the dinner table rather rude in any situation. I didn't say anything as I was the guest. The computer usage afterwards for music and facebook also wasn't quite in the spirit of shabbat. I think if you do something, you should embrace it. The music of shabbat should be our voices, either talking or singing. It's a chance to reconnect - and the evening is made special because it is different from other nights.
I had some good conversation, excellent food, nice wine and a lovely cup of tea at the end. Not as exciting as the previous night adventure to Tel Aviv, but still a lot of fun, enjoyable and relaxing. When we eventually do dinner here, I will make sure that our guests check their coats and phones at the door.
As Shabbat ended, I decided to go back into Tel Aviv. I spent the afternoon at the other apartment having a late lunch. I decided to call Xan, and he invited me for dinner and boardgames.
It was awesome, we played Puerto Rico which is an awesome mercantile economic strategy game. I had no strategy - but I was able to pick up the basic logistics of the game, and scored enough points that I didn't feel like a complete idiot at the end. Dinner was excellent, and we stayed up talking over a second bottle of wine. A wonderful night.
I stepped out around 11 and headed to Gossip, a club that reminded me very much like Ibiza. It's actually 26+ for men, but I was going for a friend's Birthday. Yael invited me, which was really amazing. I never would have found this place or gotten in on my own. Plus, somehow I must have been on some list, I was skipped to the front of the line and sent right in.
We danced for a while, did shots, danced some more, I met some of her friends, and then we left - me for Ramla, her for perhaps another club or home. It was about 1 when we left. I don't I can really describe it all that well - GOSSIP needs to be experienced. It's like Ibiza light, but still full of energy! I have been wondering what people mean by Tel Aviv being a party city, now I understand. It was a lot of fun.
Later today (Sunday) begins a week of intense Ulpan, which I must get my sleep for - thus I will retire at this time. Tomorrow I also want to head back to the library and help the kids out again. I really enjoyed volunteering my time (in addition, I have to get my library card there and then go to the bank to get my bank card, and change my contact number now that it is set for each of these places).
Sweet Dreams Tel Aviv.