Saturday, July 25, 2009

Potential new blog title?

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The hotel is not at all what we expected, or at least what I expected. Sure, there is a rooftop pool **cough** bathtub **cough**, but if I were to put my whole body into it, it might overflow. And, I don't really have much volume. Internet isn't included, nor is breakfast, or anything for that matter. They wanted a deposit for towels, and this is a Holiday Inn! Having my credit card isn't enough? I refused and stared down the reception. They caved in to my silence, how do you argue with silence after all, and just gave me two towels.

So, Valencia:

So, if you only have time for a single thing in Valencia, I suppose that Paella is a must. But, if you can do two things, check out the coolest parque ever: Parque Gulliver. It's like the awakening in Washington D.C., but you can climb all over it, and there is a sweet slide. I tried to snap some photos, but being so massive, it's really not possible without an aerial view to capture it's awesomeness.

Spent the morning walking around, was ripped off at lunch, and finally tried Agua de Valencia. It's not worth it. Was contemplating a bull fight, but probably will pass on it until I have others to go with (almost everyone else here has already been, and doesn't feel that strong about going and paying for it) that have also never been. I stopped to look for my linen pants, and they were able to track down the order number for me, so hopefully we can find them somewhere. Reminds me of when Justin had his people track down the Pink Tie, and they found the last one in some warehouse in singapore, or something on that level. Hopefully, I have a similar experience.

Tonight we are going to one of the three famous Paella restaurants. I am sure famous is really synonomous for expensive, but how often am I in Valencia eating Paella?

I am thinking about doing some Mallorca exploring. It seems the cost of the ferries will be similar to a train up, not sure about the bus, but I want to see more. It will also break up the trip, that is, to Barcelona. There is a sweet hotel I want to check out called La Residencia in Deia.

Leaching internet off a local office building, so unfortunately not a strong enough signal to skype. Pages take forever to load which is frustrating, but able to post at least for now to my blog. Strong wifi is a necessity for tomorrow's lodging.

Oh, found a really sweet carry on suitcase. I am nicknaming it the mary poppins bag, it seemed small and versatile on the outside with a massive interior, it's just not physically possible. I actually am convinced that the trick is the depth of it. I asked if they had one slightly larger, same style, but it seems they don't.

I am impressed that Shiva is traveling with just a carry on. Walking around is easier for me, but not having a bag against your back in this heat would be nice as well. Also, nice to escape the label of "backpacking through Europe" and instead just be a traveler. I feel like it connotes something else. But that is for a longer discussion, perhaps over some wine. Care to join me anyone? I am looking for company for Italy, Greece, and Turkey! Starting in about a week or so...

If you pinch me, I will dance with you

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I would like to get this architect for my house!

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Breakfast of Champions

In Valencia, Spain.
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Breakfast of Champions

In Valencia, Spain.
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Friday, July 24, 2009

Final Night out in Madrid

The last 24 hours have been intense, fun, dramatic, and rather sleepless.

Our last student departed Thursday afternoon, and finally a sense of relaxation descended on the camp. Most of us slept all afternoon. A dinner was planned, though nothing thrilling. I hear it was supposed to be tapas, but after the amazing tapas I had the previous night, it would be a sin to call these tapas as well.

I do give it top billing though in terms of the food that came out of that cafeteria.

After dinner, most of us went to Madrid. We headed directly to the Hotel ME rooftop terrace called Penthouse, where we joined a club wide party that was a throwback to the seventies, and eighties. Though, in actuality, it was a mixture of the last 5 decades with flower power through afro's and bell bottoms, and some pretty recent tunes. Perhaps the 60's trends in America just didn't hit until the 70's or 80's in europe and thus the confusion. I really enjoyed it, if I lived here, I might a regular for the nice atmosphere. And for those following, it was basically a meeting for Mi Equipo.

Started chatting with a group of women also enjoying the beautiful night and setting, as well as the party (I think Moet and Chandon was sponsoring it), and it turns out they all worked for Banc of America in Madrid. Pretty sweet! We talked about job situations, or at least tried to as much as possible given the current state of my spanish. Their english was excellent though, two were sisters from the area, and their friend was from Mexico. Shiva really hit it off with one girl, while Kevin, Alex, a few others and myself chatted with the other two about Madrid, work and some fun places to check out our last night – none of which came to fruition.

At one point in the evening their was some saturday-night-fever-esque line dancing next to a Bachelor Party, and Shiva suddenly popped into the middle of it and joined in. It was almost as priceless as when they there were horns blowing from a traffic jam in Plaza de Pantalones Cortes (aka Plaza de Sta. Ana) and we sent him over to direct traffic the night before. They actually listened to him as he stood on the side and untangled the mess. Even the waiters stopped to enjoy the spectacle.

Some of our group had planned to meet up with Rachael and Anabelle by Joy, the club where the two had gone the previous time I was in Madrid with them, so we left just before two, stopping on the way for some Tapas just before the place closed. Kristin and some others went ahead to catch up with them, missing some awesome smoked salmon. It may not have actually been that awesome, but my jewish side has been so deprived and bagels and shmear, and lox… it definitely met a craving I didn’t realize had been getting stronger these past weeks. I also had some delicious cheese, and a glass of Sangria.

The conversation had been good thus far, the company excellent, the views beautiful, and the drinks and food filling. But it was missing the flair that makes a good story. Luckily, the night was still young.

The Drama: Act I:

I knew something was up when we approached and the two, Rachael and Anabelle who had come later in the evening, skipping Hotel ME, and all the sweet parts of the evening, were out on the street, not in the club. Kristin and others were with them. I was getting bad vibes the moment they entered my field of vision.

Apparently, they had gotten drunk together before coming to the club in order to save money [Jenn, if you are reading this, try to forget that last sentence]. Anabelle was betting on them staying together, and only brought enough Euros to cover her entrance, and portion of the cab ride, under the assumption that some of us would want to go back with them, and she could ride free or at little cost based on our kindness - she also didn't bring her credit card, placing her in a position she could sell as being the victim.

They had arrived, gone in (for free, if I understand it correctly), and then while in there it became apparent that Rachael didn't feel comfortable dancing alone, a very reasonable consideration given the language and cultural shock we have all been dealing with on various levels and circumstances.

Thus, Rachael asked Anabelle to dance with her instead of leaving her while Anabelle looking for spaniards to dance with. Then, Rachael wasn't feeling well, and told Anabelle that she needed to go home. Anabelle was furious, because she felt like they had an agreement to stay out together no matter what, and share the expense of the cab ride. Anabelle saw rachael as sabatouging her last and final hurrah in Madrid. Rachael had tears streaming down her face, and Anabelle was yelling towards us how much of a bitch Rachael was, expletive, expletive, expletive. She kept trying to win our sympathy away from the girl who clearly needed the comfort at the moment.


Fernando and Kristin decided to take Rachael back, which was really sad, I was really looking forward to having drinks with them both especially, since our schedules hadn’t really matched up to go out previously. I also really wanted to go Salsa Dancing with Kristin since I had been taking the class she gave a few times during activity period, and was really enjoying it, although I only barely know the basic steps.

However, the staff didn't feel that Rachael traveling alone in her state was a wise idea, of which I concur. I wish that we could have sent the two girls back together, perhaps not an ideal situation, but logical for the rest of us who had similar interests for spending our last night as a cohesive unit together.

Then Anabelle become angry towards them for leaving. I meanwhile observed from a distance still taking it all in, and not wanting to get involved. I only learned details afterwards of what had passed. She kept clinging to Kristin, who first was polite saying she needed to bring her friend home. Anabelle was unaware, and seemed confused why Kristin would want to help someone who was essentially ruining her life. At this point it was a combination of torture and comedy. Kristin became firmer that she no longer wished to remain, and departed. Definitely a smart choice in retrospect, although I did enjoy our one last hurrah after the drama was whisked off into the night.

Four of us remained now, unclear what we wanted to do, in addition to Anabelle. There was Alex who was up for the camraderie, Jenn who didn’t see the point of spending money for a club when it was already three and she wasn’t planning to stay out late, Shiva, and myself. I just wanted to enjoy their company, I would be fine with the club, but really had no strong interest in being in a hot and sweaty room listening to really loud music, and dealing with the morning after ringing that I just found out means that you have forever lost the ability hear a specific frequency!

We had only come to find Kristin and Fernando, none of us were really sold on the clubbing aspect - there was marginal interest, that's all. I made it clear that for me, it was about spending time with a group of people I really enjoyed chatting with, sharing stories with and going out with. In the club, we couldn't really talk, it would be hard to hear, and everyone would either be dancing with themselves, one another, or someone outside the group. It wasn't really ideal in terms of soaking up each other and enjoying our company. Anabelle tried to convince the four of us that we had to join her, that we had an obligation to. She also seemed to believe she was not only entitled to a night of clubbing, but also a shared taxi home. We didn’t even arrive with her. Jenn pointed out that she had already been out multiple times during the program.

Her pleading began as asking in a somewhat rude manner, and quickly became malicious, as she suggested that we were ruining her last experience ever in Madrid to go dancing. She was completely unaware of our lack of interest. Then she wanted us to come back at 5 and meet up with her. We weren't planning to stay that late, just another drink or two, and then home by 3:30 or 4:00. We were accused of many things, and she attempted to guilt us by discussing her financial situation. We offered some suggestions about staying late, and using the buses, but she shot them down saying she did NYC buses, not Madrid buses. She didn’t understand the system. Her lack of financial responsibility didn't convince me of anything, personally. Except that she needed a reality check, and some sobering up.

Act II:

Jenn at this point becomes vocal. It's been at least 30 or 40 minutes at this point. We are letting her know that she needs to make a decision, that she is an adult, and also needs to be financially responsible. She shouldn't be out if she can't cover the possible expenses that may be incurred. Finally, Jenn in a moment of kindness **cough** weakness **cough** offers her twenty euros, which she takes

[I stopped at this point while writing this entry to confirm with Jenn sitting across from me on the bus about using the word weakness, because it doesn't really hit the nail on the head, and I am glad I did ask. She elaborated for me that in fact in a stroke of brilliance, she was trying to buy our way out of the situation, to get Anabelle in a cab so we could go to a bar... or I suppose go clubbing. I think it was more about not wanting spend time with her at that point than a strong distaste for clubbing itself]

without even a thank you. Then she starts to ask if it would be possible to get back for twenty euros, or less, and spend the remainder of her money on clubbing and drinks, and she still wants us to meet her later, she is actually trying to make money from a kind individual who is trying to ensure Anabelle’s safety.

She appears completely unaware that Jenn's personal donation was meant as peace of mind and for her safe return to campus, as well as a hope for a fast exit strategy from the situation. Anabelle is disconnected from reality, and clueless. I hope that she was inebriated, and we were not seeing her character. That would be unfortunate if such a sense of entitlement existed so deeply rooted in her being, it reminded me of the old harvard light bulb joke:

Question: How many Harvard students does it take to screw in a lightbulb?

Answer: Just 1, he stands still and the world revolves around him. (her / her)

Act III:

We finally give her three options, come with us (none of us wanted to deal with that, and besides, 5 don't work in a cab), return the money and do her own thing and take responsibility, or get in a cab using the generous gift to get safely home.

Another period of time passes and now it is nearly 3 in the morning. The bars are all about to close and that drink that we really need is a shooting star across a dark sky, soon to be forever gone (or at least until they reopen Friday).

We hail a cab, I give her my special card and she yanks the door open, gets in, and slams it closed. No one knows what happens after that except that a minute or two later, the cab has not moved. The door is thrown open and slammed shut as she exits in a huff. We are clueless and confused, what happened?

The cab driver seems very annoyed that she is treating his property like this. She spins on her heal and comes back to the cab, and starts demanding, not asking, yelling for the card with the address for the Universidad. He says something, she starts to throw punches and kicks, he defends himself, maybe throws some back, and Jenn and Alex and Shiva step in to break it up. She keeps yelling as they restrain her from a distance. I am quite a few meters away at this point, and arrive just in time to kindly ask him to return my address card, the only momento I really wanted from CTY Madrid, which I had lent to her to get home. He crumples it up, and throws it on the street , yells something in spanish at her and we step away [just confirmed, he was yelling at her: You fucking fucking fucking bitch].

Alex and I walk up the street and find another cab. Luckily, no physical altercation this time, and after a few minutes of silence during which we waited, teeth clenched, each praying in some fashion, it drove off. I never got my card back, and we didn't see her this morning. Melinda though, gave me her card before we left, which was really cool. Apparently, she played a part in this story as well, receiving a note last night attempting to convince Melinda to come to Anabelle’s side of it. So, I suppose she did make it back after all.

Relieved, and feeling necessity for that drink we struck off towards the bars. Closed.

At the Hotel ME, I asked the concierge, and they directed us to a street with many bars, in hopes of finding something still open. As we looked down, people poured out like tributaries after a rainy day. Luckily someone was coming from a nondescript door, and we followed them back into a dark and dingy little bar. Polar opposite from our earlier experience at the airy and chic Penthouse lounge and terrace.

We had a round, and drained from the drama, headed out to catch a cab back.

I arrived, and hopped on Skype where I joined a dinner party serving beer bread that looked amazing, and for almost the next two hours enjoyed some relaxed conversation, just what I was looking for all night, and without doubt I the best company.

Bed around 5:30, awake at 8:15, shower, breakfast, took some photos of Shiva with David, our good spirited chef, and convinced a few more people to come to Valencia. We found a hotel with a rooftop pool, a restaurant, and are booked through Sunday. Sunday night is still up in the air. Kristin may (we are hoping!) join us later today or tomorrow. The saddest part is that Ryan took off this morning, and I didn't get to say goodbye. I guess it means a trip to philadelphia when I get back to catch up and share some good stories.

We have three hotel rooms, and am currently en route. I can only imagine what mayhem will ensue upon arrival.

You won't find these in the states!

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Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day off

I never really made it to bed after the previous night of clubbing. I arrived back, chatted on Skype, and slept for about 30 minutes before waking up to see off the remaining students who were quarantined. That is when my day began.

Quote of the day from yesterday: ''Diogo, that´s because you were to busy sticking your thermometer in people´s mouths.''

We took two cabs to Toledo. The first one, Jenn, Sean, Kevin and Myself arrived without problems. We did get lost, but made it in one piece. The second cab showed up with a grand entrance just as the bus was leaving. All on, I sat next to some random guy, and probably fell asleep on his shoulder. I apparently suddenly was out cold on the way back and spent most of it on Sean´s shoulder.

Toledo was beautiful and Sean brought it alive with his knowledge for us. It´s apparently also a Brooks Brothers subsidiary. Who knew, but that golden fleece is everywhere!

Started at the Mosque. It was small, and I decided to pass and headed instead for some breakfast and coffee. It was under renovations, which was how it was last time our guide, Sean, was there back in the nineties. Only then, it wasn´t even open to explore the semi-construction site that it is.

To the Cathedral. By the time we left I was done with gold and shiny things. Especially gold and shiny religious things. The place was beyond massive and was filled with artwork. It was actually quite amazing that so much wealth had been accumulated in terms of art and relics and what not in a single place.

Lunch at Sean´s old watering hole, and the group moved on. Alex and Kevin were providing architectural insight, Joel historical significance. It was an excellent group to travel with. We did the El Greco painting after, the Burial of Orgaz. That was really cool. I think the drinking started around then. While we were at the Cathedral, Joel had done a small pub crawl in the surrounding places.

The Jewish Museum was pretty cool, though I was hoping to find a living congregation of sephardic jews, and try to arrange a shabbat dinner. Apparently, most of the spanish jews are long gone, or no longer jews.

Saw some more sites, took a cascading set of escalators, saw the chains of prisoners and hopped back on the bus.

We arrived in Madrid, and met with Maureen, Emily, and Shiva at Puerta del Sol. That in itself is a miracle, considering all the construction - although I suppose it limits movement to two many paths.

The bebida consumption began immediately back in what we had previously nicknamed Plaza de Pantalones Cortes. You can find it on a map titled Plaza de Sta. Ana, or by searching the Hotel ME by Melia.

But the food was apparently expensive, so we set off for a tapas place. It was excellent. Let me repeat that. It was excellent. Sangria in abundance, and more. Then there were the tapas. We had a thing with goat cheese. It was awesome. We had another thing with smoked salmon. It was awesome! In fact the concept of a meal without ham was pretty much awesome enough unto itself.

I shared a well prepared steak for 2 with Diogo, and ended our visit to that establishment with a shot of something apple-y. And it was after dinner that we hit the higlight of the evening, the only cultural establishment for us in Madrid, El Museo de Jamon! It was Joel´s favorite place. I have to admit, drinking euro beers in the butcher shop is an entirely new experience. As is watching Shiva try to pick up girls by telling them that he has Gripe-A!

There may have been more, but it's all a little fuzzy at the moment. I know we went somewhere close to Hotel ME after being denied access to the roof, and from there Shiva disappeared and Diogo as well. Then it was Chocolate and Churros to end the night, a cab back, and early sleep (it was only two by the time we arrived. The Vigilante was out cold, and we had to wake him up. He apparently was not pleased at all.

I woke up with a bladder so full, I was afraid to remove myself from bed. By 9AM I was downstairs at breakfast, and ready to end my time here at Universidad Francisco de Vitoria.

To end it all, we woke up and there was a wet parking lot, and apparently a rainbow early this morning, which I missed. The rain in spain really does fall on the plain, after all. รง

Quote of the morning: Jenn talking about her cereal which can only be described as chocolate balls, ''I overmilked my cereal.''

What Country are we in?



Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Propaganda chains (Toledo)

These are supposed to be chains of christian prisoners captured by muslims during wars. Hanging off of the san juan de los reyes in toledo
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Apparently toledo is a Brooks Brothers subsidiary

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Airport trip and a night in Madrid

I was scheduled to take Thammatat, my last student on my hall, to the airport this morning. We sat in the taxi, and arrived less than an hour after leaving. Checked his bags, and I sent him through security. Thammatat looked up at the board, walked left, walked right, looked some more. Finally turned and waived, grinned at me, and headed off towards somewhere. I began my wait for his flight to depart. There is nothing to do in the Madrid airport, at least outside of security. I tried to purchase a coke from a vending machine, but it never came. The manager of a cafe gave me one though. I walked back and forth. Finally, as it got close to his departure, I made my way towards the metro to wait. It was "final boarding call" forever, approximately an entire hour.

I took off once the flight cleared the board, and headed towards salamanca street. I heard there are some places there I wanted to check out. Oops. That was supposed to be an area called Salamanca. The street itself is somewhere up north, not a particularly interesting neighborhood. I did however find a place, and get the menu of the day. First course, Gazpacho. Second, Fish. I thought it was going to not be fried. I was very wrong. Third course, Flan. I asked for a cup of wine. She left the bottle, I clarified, I want only a cup. Drink as much as you want the waittress told me. It was to early for that, so I ordered a pitcher of tap water.

Found the streets I was looking for, found the perfect linen pants. Just formal enough, but just informal enough as well. Also, just a little big for me. I asked about alteration - but the guy helping me said unfortunately, that would put the back pockets on top of one another. Alas. We checked the system to see if any other stores in Madrid, and Spain have them. None in the computer. They were Ermengildo Zegna, white, linen. Very comfortable. So, when I got back, I looked up the other stores, and emailed them to check just in case the wrong sizes are in the system. I am hoping that they can find them, they were awesome.

On the way back, I got an email, and purchased additional facemasks. I then returned in time to meet Devon - Nick's replacement, and be sent on a salad purchasing errand for which Joel came along. We stopped to chat with his friend at the Mercadora, and had a nice Tapas with Anchovies. I also donated my own veggies to the salad upon returning. I had a lovely large salad as my first plate for dinner which was stupendous. It didn't even have any ham in it.

After a "surprise" pizza party, and a staff meeting where we were asked our plans should the site hypothetically close, 4 of us took off for Madrid. Shiva, Anabelle, Rachael and I caught the last bus which didn't go where we needed it. Luckily, the driver was nice, and took us to a station after he finished the route. We took light rail into Madrid from there. Again, last train, so no time to buy tickets. Luckily, we were able to buy the tickets upon arrival, and avoid any hassle and fine.

Once we arrived in Plaza del Sol, we couldn't decide what to do. I didn't want to pay a cover charge, as many of you know, I am morally opposed to paying cover charges on a number of grounds. I haven't once had a club where I left feeling like I would gladly give them money to gain access to their facilities again.

We found some places that offered welcome shots, which most likely explains my upset stomach. Sometimes they were mixed drinks, which were very sweet. Shiva, in his usual outgoing manner, met a few people, and I danced by myself most of the time. In the Plaza De St. Ana, Shiva was practicing his spanish with three girls from spain. He decided to tell them all about our little epidemic. After that, they gave us a lot of space, which was nice, since I had the whole rail to sit on by myself in that case.

We went to Sol y Sombra, which wasn't very exciting this evening. Hotel ME was closed - I was hoping for a nighttime view of Madrid city lights. Then we ran into the pub crawl people, who were also kind of boring. I took some pictures for them climbing all over a statue with their phones, and we parted ways until Shiva befriended a group looking to go Flamenco or Salsa dancing. I was excited about seeing some salsa and flamenco, until I realized that they didn't have a destination, just a desire. We ended up back at Joy, where we had left the girls the night before. One of the guys in the group had sandals, and the group couldn't go in. We bid them farewell, and went for chocolate and churros until the time we planned to meet the girls.

Caught a taxi right in front of the club, and came straight here. Nothing spectacular, but had a good time without spending significant money on anything.

Final student left

The final student from my hall has left. Only a few now remain, and we are seeing to their departure as well as quickly as possible. I was sent at 9:30 this morning to take the last student to the airport. At 2pm, I was still at the airport. Just on the metro now en route to the bus and back to Universidad Francisco de Vitoria. I am worried I am going to get sick, not directly because os the students quarantined, but rather the health implications that come with three weeks of fried food. My immune system must be hanging on by a mere thread at this point. I hope to find some fresh vegetables soon and rebuild my health before my travel begins and I am constantly on the move (can't imagine that will be particlarly healthy). It looks like they are trying to arrange a day for multiple staff to have off and go out together. After the lonely lunch off, that sounds much better than what I was expecting to have (a whole day of just me)!
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Monday, July 20, 2009

Segovia + farewell CTY

It took an hour to arrive in Segovia, a small beautiful town outside of Madrid. Quaint narrow winding streets, with small electric busses shuttling the elderly around. Most of the shops were closed of course, being Sunday. It was a lot more tourist driven than Brunetta, but still very nice. We started by looking at a small Romanesque church, and then headed in to see the aquaducts.

Seeing the aquaducts makes an engineer proud of his or her profession, even an electrical engineer looking at a civil masterwork. We climbed up into the city after pausing for some photos, and headed to Plaza Juan Bravo, and then the Plaza Mayor. After pausing for photographs, the group continued to the Cathedral which was very very large. It was nice inside, but because of poor timing, we weren't able to get in to see anything beyond the main room, which was still huge, as services were starting.

Onwards to Alcazar, which was a beautiful castle situated on an isthmus of land jutting out into a sea of air overlooking valleys and quaint towns beneath. The place was very well preserved, with beautiful rooms, and vine covered courtyards.

Back towards the Plaza Mayor, where Alex and I split a small cake and I had an eclair thing. I was hoping for a more filling lunch, but so be it. I took the longer route to arrive there, walking in a few different littly barrios (neighborhoods) and seeing something off the beaten, well beaten that is, path between Alcazar and the Plaza.

We spent more time taking photographs back at the Aquaduct - I only wish we had a guide who could have made it come alive for us, describe what history considered were the working conditions, how many gave their lives, unwillingly, for this Roman structure.

Back at Universidad Francisco de Vitoria, we gave the students ice cream and time to pack or come down and hang out. After dinner, I instructed the kids on my hall to dress up. It was mostly to match Slash who had run out of clothes. Turns out, it was a good decision. I wore my linen shirt. We went down and had passionfruit, a ritual of drinking juice and toasting CTY and friends. Each toast ends, "I love CTY and I love passionfruit" (I may have the order mixed up). Nevermores (and maybe nomores, those old enough who will not be returning), students who have outgrown CTY, speak about their experiences, times that they broke the rules, and share their thoughts. I was ready to speak about my experience, but the option never arose.

Two students thanked me in their speech during the event, one for just being awesome, and a really amazing RA. The other for treating her as an adult. It was actually very funny as she phrased it, thanks for everything, especially at the pool... and well... you know. I was very touched by both.

Afterwards, we sang Ryan's RA rap, which was posted last night.

I put the kids to bed, and came down to sit with Jean and Rachael. Alexandra and her sister came upstairs, they were hyper from drinking to much soda while at the movies, I think they went to see Harry Potter. Jean, Rachael and I talked for a while, said our farewells, and headed to bed.

Afterwards, I made some skype calls and turned in around 2AM. I woke up at 6AM this morning to bid farewell, loaded some luggage on the bus, and comforted the students as much as I could as they left this safe nerd haven, in the suburbs of Madrid.

Ryan and I stayed out while the quarantined sat in their windows, and we all watched the sun rise over the 4 towers in the Madrid skyline. Eventually we came in, and I started to write this post.

When will then be now? not soon.


Sunday, July 19, 2009

Ryan´s RA Rap

CHORUS (2x) :

I am your RA,
At the beginning of the day,
I´ll be pounding on your door
Making sure you are awake.

Oh Snap!
It´s 7:55
Can´t be late for breakfast
Gotta see that you´re alive.
So I´m knocking, shouting
All around you I´ll be hounding,
Like a migraine pounding.
Thump, thump, thump!
If you´re not waking up.
I´ve got the trump
card: a phone call to your room.
So, zoom, zoom, zoom
L A T E spells doom.
Hustle up, let´s go
your RA has got the flow.
You better already know.


All day long
while you´re sitting in class,
we ain´t got nothing to do
so we sit back and relax
chillaxin´to the max.
Rachael´s taking a nap,
Jean is on the internet,
I´ve been writing this rap.
So watcha gonna do
while we´re out having fun?
If you´re taking notes,
I´m off taking in the sun.
Ain´t no work to be done.
So everybody just slide
to the Madrid-side.
Public transportation is my dope ride.
We´ll be back before activities
after a quick bus ride.


This is the gangsta life
lead by an RA
glitz and glamor for real.
Would you believe me say?
Fiesta all night,
cooling out all day,
siesta all right
wouldn´t have it any other way.
Naah, I´m just joking,
We spend most of the day working.
Preparing activities
sharing responsibilities.
So get back, get back,
get back into your room.
It´s past lights out,
I can see the moon.
Step into the hall
you´re bound to get caught.
Cameras watching you all,
I don´t know what you thought.


Resident asssistent.
It is my committment,
my rhymes are so fresh
my breath smells just like mint.
Black lanyard is the bling I wear,
looking so cool all the TAs stare
and blink; man, the food here stinks!
De Madrid al cielo,
this city´s hot as hell – Oh,
yes! It is our time to shine.
When I break a key card,
I never pay the fine.
I just tape the shards
back into place.
I´m 10 paces ahead of you in this race.

(´cause…) CHORUS (2x)

Aquaducts in Segovia, Spain

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Segovia from above

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Valle de los Caidos

Franco is buried here. We were supposed to see this. It was closed for a local festival.
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