Sunday, February 20, 2011


Waiting to depart.  Sitting on the plane.  Reconnected in 12 hours or so.

Golan, Mishpacha, and heading home early?!?!

After waking up at Alon and Sean's, I slipped out early, and headed to get the car.  There were the usual difficulties of dealing with Israeli bureacracy but it mostly was sorted out after a bit.  I headed north with Miriam and Lillian.  Lillian had a doctor's appointment in Haifa, and we decided to part ways there.  Miriam and I headed down to Zichron Ya'akov for a wine tasting and eventually ended up in Naharriya for the night.  The next morning was awful weather, but we still went to Rosh HaNiqra.  Then it was off to Tszfat.  Luckily, I checked facebook where a message from my cousin Shayna waited for me.  We had tea with her at Livnot center in Tszfat.  After exploring a bit and finding a new Kippa, we headed out to stay with relatives of Miriam for the night.  We were able to try Golan winery on the way and check out a microbrewery as well.

I was exhausted and excused myself from the table heading to bed.  I started to shiver so I put on lots of layers, and after a while felt much better.  The next day we headed to Scythopolis, a roman city near Bet She'an.  I have family there, but I don't know them, so we didn't get to meet them.

We headed down through the west bank, with a brief segway into the west bank.  After encountering Israeli and Palestinian checkpoints, we decided to head back and continue straight for Jerusalem.  Miriam took off for Tel Aviv, and I met up with Peter who is on Taglit at his hotel and joined them for dinner and going out.  I ended up being able to take a shower in the madrich's room which was heaven after two days of not and the cold sweats in between.

I headed out with them to Ben Yehuda, giving a few people a ride.  We got really lost.

After parking by Gioia's apartment, I headed back and we all got drinks together.  I lost them at the dance club but found Gioia.  We went to another bar, where I ran into another taglit related friend Eli.  We finally got back to her apartment around 4AM!  I had a lot of fun, and we both slept like the dead.

Next morning, I went to Peter's Bar Mitzvah ceremony near the Kotel, but had to slip out as soon as he finished.  I really enjoyed his d'var torah which talked about certainty.

I met up with Moishe, and we went for lunch in the German colony where I hadn't gone before.  It was nice, though once again, when asking for medium rare I think the steak was still 'mooing' at me from the plate.  Take two helped a lot.  Moishe and I drew out the family tree, and then walked through the neighborhood.  After a quick trip to the Haas (i think) promenade, he got me on to the road to Efrat.

Shabbat was lovely with the Rubin family.  Yonaton was out of town, but I spent time with the rest of the family.  Saturday morning, Josh and I took a nice walk around Efrat and I saw some areas I hadn't seen before and stiimulating conversation.

I arrived back in Tel Aviv after dropping Avi in Holon and seeing David for a bit.

This morning I returned the car and now am heading to take a shower before going out for the day.

I thought I was staying until early tuesday morning, but it seems that I was mistaken, and I leave this evening for the airport to catch my flight.  It's a good thing that I spoke with my mother before shabbat to figure out plans for meeting up in the city when I get back!