Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Food Processor

I decided that we needed a blender, so I asked Oranim about replacing the broken one that came with the house. They refused on the grounds that someone else must have brought it, it wasn't provided originally by Oranim, and therefore, not their responsibility to provide a working food processor. I decided to take the cost of it on myself, and purchased one. Of course, it never occurred to me until checkout that I had to get it home on my own.

Once home, I had to to run to volunteering at the library, where Daniella yelled at everyone in Hebrew (I think the parents were complaining again that we weren't translating for the kids, they don't seem to be aware that we don't have that ability, I wish I could translate. I calmly responded to her that I was working with Hadeel and her sister, and would be doing english homework with them. She told me I should be sharing my time equally, 20 minutes per child. I told her that I am volunteering, and that I would work with the kids who were interested, but I wasn't going to spend time with kids who were goofing off or didn't want to be there. I am not going to waste my efforts, especially when there are kids who do want the help, and ignoring them would be killing the ones who have the best chance of learning something.

Afterwards, back at the apartment, we opened the food processor. For those that don't know:

food processor [’fu:d‚prəʋsesər] [US]

מְעַבֵּד מָזוֹן
Web definitions
a kitchen appliance with interchangeable blades; used for shredding or blending or chopping or slicing food
A food processor is a kitchen appliance used to facilitate various repetitive tasks in the process of preparation of food. Today, the term almost always refers to an electric-motor-driven appliance, although there are some manual devices also referred to as "food processors".
A machine with interchangeable blades and disks and a removable bowl and lid separate from the motor housing. ...

and decided to use the "french fry cutter" to make french fries. A plate of hash browns and a bottle of wine later, we also decided to remodel the kitchen, bringing in a table from the living room, and creating a work area next to the sink. I think it has a lot more functional space. Of course, we need to find the extension cord that disappeared from the living room which was originally in the kitchen to plug in the different appliances, but all in good time.

Below are some photos of Izy and me enjoying our new kitchen toy.
I prepare to power on the food processor. The machine to the left is a blender - so I am certainly looking forward to making some smoothies as the weather gets better. All those amazing fruits in the shuk - maybe even an avocado and ice cream smoothie or two for old times sake!

You can see Izy's excitement as he turns potatoes into french fries. Our first meal with the food processor.

On another note, I spent a good two hours searching the supermarket and was unable to find corn syrup, not a typical recipe, but called for in a recipe I am planning. So, I checked on my blackberry, and found a substitute. But then, I couldn't find one of the ingredients in the substitute, so I googled again, and found another substititute, and suddenly realized that I was looking for something that would be the substitute of a substitute and already, everything is different from home. I wonder if it will work out alright, or not?

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