Thursday, February 25, 2010

Double Ulpan

Since Oranim has refused to provide additional Ulpan, despite the interest of the group, I decided to attend both the beginner and intermediate classes today.

Luckily, I have studied a few different languages, so grouping verbs is a concept I am familiar with.  I didn't know the verbs themselves, but was able to break them into groups based on similarities, which seems to be the more difficult part.  Once parsed, they just need to be treated in their respective manner.  I think the grammar in Hebrew isn't so bad, it's just a lot of vocabulary and luckily word roots play a significant role in Hebrew as well, so it's very doable.  Of course, reading and writing in the aleph - bet does complicate matters, but I am becoming very familiar with it.

Library this afternoon, and then I am not sure.  Shabbat dinner here tomorrow night, so we shall see how that goes.

In other news, my father after reading my blog post, sent me some valuable information which I share with you now: How to properly make a root beer float.

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