Saturday, February 27, 2010

Purim in Tel Aviv

We went to a Purim party in Tel Aviv, which I didn't have a costume for - but I felt like getting out.  So, I was lent some beads, unbuttoned a few buttons, and took a picture "Jonathan the Hippy" was the idea.  Shirt went back on, beads came off and were returned, and I went for dinner down the street.  When I came back some sort of drama had ensued.  Many of the group were innebriated, and I, well, I just had an amazing burger and made friends with the guy working at Burger Bar .

A few went home, I found out some other friends were in Florentine (it's the artist colony, the west village so to speak of Tel Aviv) and we headed over there.  Massive party on the street in celebration of Purim.  It took all of ten minutes to lose everyone, I was impressed we stayed together that long.  But, I found other friends whom I was hoping to meet up with.  It was so packed, you had to give exact locations to the meter almost or else you couldn't find people.  If you moved through the crowd, you strung out in a line, holding hands so as not to lose anyone.  Eventually, we left for Ramla, arriving just as the rain started to drip from the heavens above.  Izy and Nicole slept on the sherut monit back, we got off and and went to our respective apartments where I for one, fell into a deep sleep only to awake 7 hours later.

Volunteering at Arab Kadima today, I have an activity for them of making Vinegar volcanoes.  Hopefully it works out!  I will try to take some pictures.

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