Monday, May 3, 2010

Post BFL excursion to Tel Aviv and Sunday adventure in cooking

Havdallah and we left Young Judea, maybe for the last time as a BFL group.

It was Lag Ba'Omer, which is a break in the days of mourning between Pesach and Shavout, so naturally what do Israeli's do?  They burn stuff.

All over Israel there were fires, parks, on the side of the road, big ones and little ones.  I convinced Allison from the BFL seminar to come to Tel Aviv instead of going back to Ashdod immediately after.  We went with Arya and Hila to their apartment, with the intention of going to a BBQ and then a fire.  Didn't work out, but we had a nice walk and got to see a new apartment.

It was also Yonni's last evening as a civilian, so we stopped by to see him and Rachelle at a bar on King George (not sure what the name is, but it's number 32, and it's pretty nice).  After, we meandered back to the bus station.

Nothing to Ashdod, so Allison came back to Ramla.  Luckily, we still have the spare bed from Whitney, so she wasn't subjected to the back breaking couch.  She left early for Ulpan the following morning.

I decided to make Pickles sunday, and went out with Izy and Jael to Lod.

"Le Kenyon, Bevakasha"

Except we didn't end up at the Kenyon, we ended up at some random mall two kilometers from where I wanted to be.  They had to go, and left, and I walked where I wanted to go.  I ended up purchasing a large jar for pickles, some garlic, and pepper corns.

I remembered somewhere that I had to sanitize the jar, but I didn't realize how cold it was outside.  Hot water pouring in was followed by a minor explosion as the bottom of the jar rapidly expanded.


I found some pyrex, and packed my pickles into it, but without a top, I don't know if it will work as well.  Just enough liquid, and I created a makeshift top with ton foil, a cloth and lots of weight pressing down via a large pot filled with things.

Baked a potato, some garlic and a whole onion.


Went to bed, but not before finishing my hat.

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