Saturday, April 3, 2010

Shabbat at the Beach (saturday)

We woke up in Ashdod, and with no transportation until that evening, decided to spend our day at the beach.  You can see the beach from the balcony of the apartment.  It's just a few minutes walk after a short elevator ride (we were on the 8th floor).  I didn't want to eat their food, and so we stopped at a small restaurant near the beach that was open.  I decided to go for the hamburger, despite it being Pesach.  Turns out, it was kosher for pesach (even though it wasn't kosher for shabbat being that it was sold during shabbat).  It was served on a salald instead of a bun.  Either way, it was pretty awful, but did the trick of satiating my hunger.

Jeff and I took a walk down to some ruins which were right on the beach.  I haven't been able to find any information yet on what they were.

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