Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter in Jerusalem and a Second Seder

This morning I woke up late and headed to Tel Aviv after a little bit of breakfast.  It was very very hot.  We arrived at the central bus station, and caught another bus to the old city.  After arriving, we eventually found our way through the old city from Damascus Gate to the Church of the Holy Sepulcher.  There we met up with Whitney, who had come in early.  We spent some time watching people, and then they started clearing out the entrance.  We waited to see what would happen.  After a while, a procession arrived.
We stayed until the Easter procession passed through, and then headed out in search of lunch.  Eventually, we found a place by the Roman columns.  The food was filling, though not particularly tasty.

From lunch we headed towards the Kotel.  I debated on the way about putting on Tefillin, but then remembered that it isn't worn on holidays (or so I have been told).  The wall was filled with people, but I eventually made my way to the front, and after spending a few minutes, I headed back up to where we agreed to meet.

On the way back out we looked for a juice place for fresh squeezed orange juice.  Eventually, we found  a place and had some orange juice fresh squeezed.  As we left, Whitney found a place to have pomegranate juice, which was tasty.  Bitter, but enjoyable.

We caught the last bus back to Tel Aviv, where Nicole and Whitney hopped in a cab to head to their second seder with family friends of Nicole.  I walked over -

I just had this crazy thought as I was sitting here writing this, I will return to my day in a moment.  I could use the transcribing aspect of google voice to create a blog.  When back in the states, I can call my google voice number, leave a voicemail which will be transcribed and emailed.  I will have it email to the blog email, which will post it as a blog entry.  Now I just have to figure out how to put in photos as well.

- to meet Yael at the corner.  She had invited me to a second seder at her house.  We stopped at her apartment on the way, and I was able to take a quick shower which I probably needed after a day of walking through the old city in the sun.

Yael's family is both awesome and amazing.  Her mom and dad are both really interesting.  I wish only that I had more time to talk with her three sisters.  Chaval Hazman (It's a pity for the time).  Her family lives on a moshav in a beautiful home, I am looking forward to seeing it during the day.  We ate a small feast, and then sat around talking and exchanging stories over coffee and tea (and delicious dessert and dessert wine).

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