Sunday, March 21, 2010

Good Deeds Day

Last week there was a national holiday called good deeds day, and so we volunteered at a school in Jawarish - the arab side of town. Most of the mothers came and made food which was amazing. But, in addition to just consuming their food, we also helped make the school a little more beautiful. You can see the sketched out stuff above.
We worked with the kids and brought some color to the area. Nicole and Jackie look on as Erica works on some flowers.
Above, Jeff shows off a finished product, a day of hard work and lots of consumption of tasty treats. It was a most enjoyable experience, and some of us have asked Nir about the possibility of returning to do work at the school instead of some of the Jewish schools in Ramla. We were all impressed with the respect the students had for the teachers, something that doesn't seem to exist in the Jewish schools where the authority of the teachers appears to be ignored almost entirely most of the time.

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