Sunday, August 2, 2009

The end of Barcelona

Yesterday was my last full day in Barcelona. We spent the afternoon at the Park Guell, which is absolutely amazing. Gaudi’s house is there, in addition to a beautiful park with lots of live music going on. After a few concerts during which Shiva and I picnicked, we gave up on finding some green to do Yoga, and instead started to head back. We only took the metro a single stop, before remembering our host’s recommendation on stopping at Calle Verdi. It was a nice little street, but first we stopped in for ice cream where we were photographed from hundreds of different angles for the local newspaper. I think they preferred shooting the little kid who was getting ice cream all over her face, but we were a bit more responsive, and didn’t try to hide. I had this amazing yogurt, and Shiva had a slushy type drink.

Down Calle Verdi we meandered, and back onto the Metro back to our apartment. I should stop to mention that our host is not only a very very very cool person, she is also a painter. You can find Karenina’s work here, And, she made me the strongest coffee I have tasted in my entire life. One cup per year and I could completely eliminate sleep. It made espresso look like milk. Worse, celery, it actually takes more energy to consume than it gives you.

My last night in Barcelona, we decided it was finally time. We went to Champagneria. I mentioned in an earlier post about a place called Quimet y Quimet, as one of the great places I have been to. It’s small, all standing, and you just have to get in the rhythm and call out your order in the right moment. Imagine Zen counting with 150 other eager diners, all of whom really want to say “1” and if they miss one, there are 149 left who want to say “2” and so forth. In addition, there are some who said “1” and want to say “8” as well. It’s chaos. It’s wonderful.

Champagneria is a place where you can only order one drink: champagne. And you can only order bottles until 5pm. The Champagne is only served with tapas. These are not your typical tapas, certainly nothing like the elegance of Quimet y Quimet. These are full on sandwiches: Lomo y Serrano, Hambuergesa con bacon y todos. The bocadillos (sandwiches) were outstanding, the champagne flowing and we were having a wonderful time. I have been in some very crowded clubs, where you feel like breathing is hard if you want your chest to arrive at all. This place made that seem like open air, open spaces. Shiva kept telling me, “another person just went to second base with me.” I had a distinct advantage in that with my height at least I was drinking and eating above most people. To be short here was not good. However, after some jokes and conversation, I was on a first name basis with the camarero (waiter) and we were getting our food and drink served pronto.

Then we met the Italian couple. She was actually from Australia, working in fashion in Florence, he worked in Rome. They were lots of fun, and as we closed out the Champagneria, which for some silly reason, closes at 10PM, the four of us headed out to find a place for some Sangria together before continuing the night.

We eventually came across a place, ordered sangria and pints of cerveza, and stood out in the cool night air sharing stories, and talking until it was finally close to 1, I think, and they decided to head home. I got their email address, and hopefully will be able to get some ideas for Florence and Rome.

We decided that it was early, and to head to a club. But, before we could move on, we went into Chupito’s Chupito’s, where they have the famous Monica Lewinsky shot. We were herded out with a pub crawl accidentally, but decided to try and join. We were not welcome at all as we attempted to finagle our way into the situation. We ended up just looking for another club (most pub crawls end in a club of some sort), and came across Jamboree. It had two floors, loud music, and on the whole was not bad, but not great in my opinion. I am not sure if I really do the whole clubbing thing – I certainly lack the dancing skills. I am hoping that Ibiza is going to be very different from anything I have ever experienced before. After a while we found ourselves at Apollo. We were trying to talk to the entry person about getting in, but security threw us out, it was very strange.

It felt like the night was over, and so we headed home, just around 3AM. On the way back, we did however witness three or four plain clothes police officers escorting a group of prostitutes from the street to our apartment. We wanted to see what happened next, but after a moment, decided not to follow, instead just returning to the apartment. Drank some pineapple juice and went to bed after doing some work on the computer. Everything was fine, except in the other room there was a random guy just sitting on the bed at 4AM. I knocked and said hello, but he didn’t respond at all. This morning he was sleeping with the door partially open diagonally across the bed, still fully clothed, not having used the sheets or anything. It was a little strange, and disconcerting – the lack of response. I hope all is well back in the apartment.

Getting to the airport was very easy. Train to Passaig de Gracia, and then another train here. Put my bag in storage, just taking my smaller bag. I will get it back before going to Italy. The only unfortunate part is that I forgot to grab my book from my larger backpack. I looked in the shop here, but nothing interesting in the limited English section. I don’t think I would enjoy struggling through a Spanish book at the moment or German for that matter.

I am writing this post while I wait to board Vueling 8707 to Palma Mallorca. I asked at the counter, and they seemed to concur with my quick research this morning that the airports have reopened for planes to arrive and depart, as the search for the bombers of the police station continues. After the flight, there is just a short bus ride, and I should be in Deia, soaking up the sun, the fresh air, all of the beauty (mountains, pools of blue water, etc.) and enjoying a change of pace from Barcelona. I definitely need to find a book to read.

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