Saturday, August 1, 2009

Chance meetings

Just when starting my hike, I passed a gentleman and his son, also walking a bit, just starting from Deia. We chatted for a few minutes and then I took a photo for them, and left to continue my excursion.

I arrived in soller from porto del soller via the mini train, and thus learned I missed my bus :-(

You can imagine my surprise however to hear while reading a menu, "the hiker!". I chatted with Alex and Raul (I met Raul on the hike) for a bit, they introduced me to their children and we discovered we are all from NY! Actually, they even have a house on Shelter Island, which is right by East Hampton!

At the other end of my hike, I started chatting with two girls after one took a picture with the backdrop of porto de soller. They were from Germany, and were impressed with my german (I guess they weren't expecting much of anything if I was able to meet any language expectations after a month of spanish invasion on my German.

<Pause to change tables>

I am on the train up from the port of soller to soller, and who should come and sit next to me but my two friends from earlier! We chat a bit more before I get off in search of the bus station.

It does have a small town feel. They are here for two weeks, which shocked me. How often can you go to the beach and what else is there to do here?
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  1. I had the same feeling about some of the Greek islands- how often can you go to the beach?

    Some of the out-of-the-way beaches were beautiful, if you can find them. It could be nice to camp outside on the edge of nowhere, in an island paradise. But the regular tourist beaches... seen one, seen them all.

  2. I felt like that as well, hence the reason I walked from Deia to Soller. It was just me for almost all of it, and the water was even more beautiful away from the easy access parts anyway. Suggestions on Greece would be great - I was thinking Santorini as a base, supposed to be beautiful. I really wanted to rent a small boat, and sail to some islands, but that is hard without certifications it seems, and rather expensive. Having a skipper is a huge additional cost. Might try to find something with a group of like minded travelers, preferably not americans, looking also to just explore the smaller uninhabited islands that maybe have some history and beautiful beaches.
