Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Mail Delivery

Morning mail arrived. I know Jenn, the site director, went to bed before I did, she stopped at the lab and said good night to the remaining RA´s before midnight. I was up until around 2AM last night which means the note arrived sometime after:

Jonathan -

Please make sure _____ _____ is awake.
(Long story - I´ll explain later.)


it seems that his mother was freaking out after he didn´t pick up this morning for his wake up call, called the front desk at 6 AM, and then they called Jenn. She was not pleased.

In other news, Nick took off for the States. Unfortunate, he was growing on me. I think we found something to both put our efforts into changing (food) as opposed to arguing with each other regarding staffing policies for lunch.

With the students at class, I have the rest of the day to figure out now. I do want to start the LSAT book, and finish my other book I brought with me.

That´s all the news from Camp CTY!

1 comment:

  1. the most life ive seen is en supermercado ayer. pienso que el supermercado va a ser nuestro nuevo discotecque
