Sunday, May 30, 2010

Palmach Museum

We went to our second museum today, the Palmach museum. It was very cool - although the last room rotates, and I was already feeling a little light headed from not really eating and the spinning room didn't help. I was glad to find my feet on stable ground. (If there is anything that's not factual, please correct me - I will do my best to sum up the Palmach) The Palmach, for those not aware, is the army that the British allowed the Jews to create during their rule of Palestine. Once WWII ended, they were ordered to disband, but instead went underground. They are the precursor to the Haganah and eventually the IDF (Israeli army). Their story is told through the use of visual imagery and taking the group through a series of rooms that follow the lives of various members. It was especially interesting since they come up in the Source, the book I just finished recently. A descendant of the family of Ur helps defend the city of Tzfat in the book. We were scheduled for a tour of Jaffa after, but were running very late. I still needed to go to the cellcom store to replace my phone, and so I told Nir I had done the tour a few times already with various birthright groups and other entities, and excused myself. For the third time in three days (four if you count the reverse trip) I walked from Jaffa to Gordon Beach. Stopping this time at Dizengoff center for a new sim card I still managed to make it on time. I found Jonathan (israeli), Yarden and Dan playing and one other person whos' name I never got. Xan and I joined in, losing because of stupid mistakes. We played well, and finished our volleyball game early. Xan had to go, but I stayed and afterwards we went for a swim. I made sure that I had my phone before and after the water. Stopped for a quick bite on the way home, where the guy gave me free french fries with my meal, and caught a sherut which decided to go to Lod first. New group arrives tomorrow, Dashiell and Louis on Tuesday.

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