Monday, May 31, 2010

BCI graduates do Beer Festival

When I first heard about this festival, I was very confused.  Aviva was telling me Tel Aviv, but it was coming up when I put it into google maps in one of the most religious neighborhoods in Tel Aviv, Bnai Beraq.  When I arrived, the germans were giving out condoms, and no one was giving samples.  Also, the international selection was everything you can find in a hess station back at home.  Nothing exotic, only one or two small microbreweries.  I talked with a couple, and apparently, two weeks ago was the homebrewers festival - which was not even advertised, just word of mouth.  They told me it was amazing.


After sampling a few beers, we were ready for some grub.  Earlier, I had seen whole chickens roasting and assumed we could get the whole chicken.  Turns out, you can't, so Aviva and I managed to convince the food staff to allow us to come behind the counter to at the very least take a picture with the chicken.  Then, we split a burger.


I saw Mila as well, who was wearing this shirt which has many interpretations.  I will leave it for you to interpret as you will.  She came with her boyfriend, who is in the fourth photograph, and two friends (not shown).  She also gave me a ride back to Tel Aviv, which was wonderful.


BCI 2005 unites.

BCI + Mila's boyfriend at the Tel Aviv Beer Festival.

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