Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Two Days in Tel Aviv

Yesterday, I headed in early to Tel Aviv.  MASA had come to speak with us regarding the program, and to give us questionnaires.  I went early, and finished early.  I had my stuff, so I set out for the city early.

Volleyball was good, Xan and I played well.

We were also taken advantage of by the Israeli's who would just kick us off the court at will.  It happened twice.  I already got in argument last week with the woman who runs a for profit volleyball clinic on the city nets, not allowing others to play.  There is this idea that if you come at 12, hang your shirt on the net, or something, then you can come back at any time to claim the court.  It's unreasonable and only impedes play.

Afterwards, I met up with Louis.  We went to the club Vista - the same club that I went to with Dashiell's group.

A glass of cava and I was ready to leave.  It was surprisingly cold in Tel Aviv last night.

We went back to the hotel where Louis offered for me to stay in his room, the people he was sharing with announced earlier they would sleep elsewhere.  We chatted for a bit, and then fell asleep.  Apparently there was a conversation this morning, but I have no recollection.  I woke up to an empty room, no Louis, no luggage.  It was rather disconcerting, the emptiness - you almost doubt the other person was even there for a moment.  I hope I never do that to anyone!

It wasn't complete though, he accidentally left travel documents which I am bringing with me on my trip to Jerusalem tomorrow.

I received a surprise message from Aviva that our friend Yelizaveta is in Tel Aviv.  We spoke, and agreed to meet today (Tuesday).

I met up with Louis at Nahalit Binyamina, after meeting him at the beach (I wasn't able to join the bus), which is the art shuq.  We had a light bite to eat, talked more, and then I excused myself to go join Aviva and Yelizaveta for lunch.  We had an amazing time.  Unfortunately, Aviva had to duck out for class early.

We decided to go to the beach, where we swam in the waves and lay on the beach catching up from the past five years.  It was a lovely way to spend my day and awesome to catch up.  They invited me clubbing tonight, but I decided after games with Xan, Katie and Rachelle that I was exhausted (There was also another friend, Sean, who joined us for dessert and wine).

On the way back, the Sherut driver and I started talking.  After about 40 minutes of chatting, we arrived at the conclusion that we both love Couscous.  Thus, I have a saturday invitation for dinner now at his house in Ramla.  We shall see if that happens.

Jerusalem tomorrow I think.

Home.  Exhausted.  Time for sleep.

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