Sunday, June 6, 2010

Patience always wins*

*Obviously, there are instances where this doesn't work

When I arrived, one other was waiting for the sherut.  Another arrived shortly after.  We sat for a while, the driver asking us to make offers.

14 shekels I replied each time.

Don't you want to get home the others would ask?

Not particularly, I can sleep in tomorrow.  I am in no rush, and 14 is what I budgeted to get home.  I refused to budge.

Eventually enough people showed up.  It was now 4:00 in the morning.  Everyone else decided they would pay more, I refused, paying only the listed rate.  The driver at this point knew I would win this patience game, and gave in.

Patience won out.

Arrived to some disconcerting news regarding my next adventure, apparently I was misinformed regarding visas for syria, which may prove to be a problem.  I am working on my options and a viable solution, though nothing has emerged yet.

Spent the day here, with only a brief sojourn to the store to exchange a package of biscuits I didn't realize were already opened when I bought them.  Also bought some veggies and a few other small things to sustain myself for the week.

No plans for the evening yet, but I don't feel like spending money.  That I am sure of.

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