Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Dashiell and me in Jerusalem

After sleeping in a bit, I wandered through Jerusalem for most of the afternoon.  I had a few small errands to run, and then I meandered the streets.  I found my favorite place to sit, above the shuq.  I know now if I go to Habad 1, I can get up to the roof.

I decided to put on Tefillin, and ended up talking for about an hour with a young chabbadnik from the states.  His friend joined into the conversation, and we realized we had some mutual friends in the chabad community back at home.

At around 4:30, Dashiell's group arrived.  I spent some time explaining about the western wall, and how large the temple mount is.  Then we went and took a picture together, and Dashiell left a note.  Afterwards, I showed him the glass area where you can see the bottom of the wall, and really understand how high it used to be.

Above, Dashiell and I take a picture at the Kotel.

I ended up hopping on the bus, and talking with a woman who knew Yael.  I never got her name though.  I hung out with Dashiell in the lobby, found him a place to stay (with Leslie at the Dizengoff residences), and had dinner with the group.  It was actually quite tasty.  At some point in the evening, I received a phone call and was recruited for an art project tomorrow morning in Tel Aviv.  Should be very interesting.

I wanted to take a picture of this sign at the entrance to the temple mount, but there was an open gate blocking it, so since it was closed this afternoon, I was able to today.

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