Saturday, May 29, 2010

Phone Search + videos from last night

Despite coming back at around 7 this morning, I only slept for a few hours before having to make a phone call to  the states.  I went back to sleep for a while - which turned out to be me laying in bed looking at the ceiling for a while.  I eventually headed in to Tel Aviv.  I was hoping that the theater would be open - it wasn't.  I called with skype and left a message, hopefully I will hear back tonight or tomorrow (maybe I will be lucky and it will be found at the theater, I am back in Yafo again tomorrow, so I will try again in person)

I walked from the central bus station down to yafo, then retraced my steps all along the beach.  I checked with each lifeguard stand in case I was mistaken where I stopped the night before - but no lifeguards had found my phone. It looks like I will need to replace it which is frustrating, since I am not here much longer.  I have to decide if I want to buy something myself in Israel or ask Dashiell to pick up something for me.

Below are two clips from Let it Beer, quality is awful, but it's expected given that these were taken using my blackberry.  I wisely chose not to bring my camera to this event.

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