Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Dashiell is coming, is not coming, is coming...

I have been excited with the anticipation of my brother coming, something I learned about two weeks ago. Of course, it has been somewhat of a roller coaster as he has struggled to get a spot on the taglit trip. Take note of the timing of these emails:

dash/penn club
1 message

Howard Harris <@gmail.com>Mon, May 10, 2010 at 10:44 PM
To: Harris'08 Jonathan <@gmail.com>
Hi Jmh
Dashiell will be in Israel on May 31

Re: [21st Century Odyssey] Rabin Square

1 message

Ellen Johansen Tue, May 25, 2010 at 9:06 PM
To: Jonathan
Dashiell is not coming to Israel.  Long story.


change of plans, Dashiell style
2 messages

Ellen Johansen <@gmail.com>Tue, May 25, 2010 at 11:17 PM
To: Jonathan Harris <@gmail.com>
Dear Jonathan,

Long Short story,

Dashiell got a call and IS going to Israel.

Go figure,



I'll accept him being here when I greet him at the airport when his plane arrives next week.

In other news, Fani and the family are here - hoping to see them.  Played some volleyball last night, did some push ups with Xan and very sore today.

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