Saturday, May 29, 2010

Let it Beer -> efo pelefone sheli?

Yesterday, I headed in to Tel Aviv after lunch.  I spent a few hours playing volleyball with Xan, had dinner with him and Katie and made my way to Yafo for Let it Beer - a Beatles cover band concert with free beer until the kegs run out.

Somewhere between the concert and the beach, my phone took a separate path from me.  I retraced my steps all the way from Gordon beach back to the venue, which was closed at 6AM strangely enough, searched the surrounding area, then walked to the central bus station where I took a sherut to Ramla.

Fell asleep on the sherut and was woken up at the other end of Ramla, so I had to walk back from the bus station to the Yoseftal apartment.  I will need a temporary replacement I guess, and a new sim card from cellcom, the question remains whether it is worth it given the circumstances (I am leaving so soon).  I am required to have a phone in the program, so something needs to be done.

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