Sunday, August 2, 2009

Palma to Deia

Music Joke: How do you know there is a choral group at your doorstep?

Answer: They don’t know when to come in.

I was traveling with an entire chorus… of singing babies, most of them very much out of tune. I think the kids on the plane outnumbered the adults. Arrived safe and well in Mallorca, and didn’t see any additional security measures, as I was expecting to see. Did they catch the bombers already?

I caught the number 1 bus into Palma, transferred to the L210. I am really hoping that this is the more scenic route up the coast line towards Deia. I chose a seat with southern exposure so that I could see the water, and hopefully catch some photos.

My ice cream photographer wrote back, letting me know he appreciated our willingness to be photographed. We should be in next week’s local Barcelona paper – I wonder if it is online. I imagine they will choose a photo of someone who looks a bit younger and cuter. The Indian guy and the Jewish Indian combo may not be the demographic they are targeting, I am thinking more along the lines of young parents with young kids, then again, I have no idea what the article is about. But he did say he needs to do some quick retouches and then he will email me some copies, which is really exciting. I’ll post those as soon as they appear!

Palma, from what I have seen, doesn’t seem very special. When I landed and turned on my blackberry, a welcome message came up from an application I use to keep track of my flights. It said welcome to Palma Majorca, the temperature here is 81 degrees Fahrenheit. I did a week forecast, 81 and without a cloud the whole week. Now that is something I could really get used to.

Driving through the city at the moment, lots of outdoor cafes, like any Spanish city I have seen so far, lots of construction as well. Everyone tells me every city has certain factors, a main plaza, public drinking water fountains, etc. I just reply that every Spanish city also has a crane on the horizon.

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