Sunday, August 2, 2009

Donde Esta La Pinsa?

We played this game with the Monitor(a)s and other RA's and staff using a clothes pin, the idea was not to have it at a certain point in the night, or else, you had to do something the next day. You could move La Pinsa on to another, so long as they weren't aware you had given it to them. Collars are stiff and a good place to put it, as are the bottom of pants and skirts. You would sit down next to someone, suavely place it on their persons, maybe slip it into their pocket, and then excuse yourself before they were aware. Sometimes, it was placed so well, they wouldn't even know, and it would go into a laundry basket for a few days. Other times, it moved many times within the hour, jumping from candidate to candidate.

It's one aspect of CTY I miss, not La Pinsa specifically, but the fun staff that I was working with. I am in the airport waiting for my flight. It finally posted to the board just now, but I will wait a little longer. For a few euros, I was able to get into the lounge, and have WIFI access, as well as access to some basic food and drink (they have spanish tortilla!)

I charged my phone, computer, ipod etc. As I was doing this, I started to wonder if there was an elimination, what I would hold onto the longest. If I washed up with just a small bag, what would I really want in that bag. How about no bag, just pockets. How about with nothing. Could I survive, make it back home? I think so, it's all memorized - but let's not test that theory.

I realize now that after tomorrow, I will be traveling alone with no prospects of traveling companion. It is a daunting horizon, and I imagine that my trip will change character dramatically. The days will start earlier, and end earlier. Clubbing along is not particularly interesting I have discovered. Meals also tend to be shorter, unless I come across a fellow lonely traveler, there is not much to discuss by oneself.

I will have to enjoy my last hours with Shiva, and friends while here in Europe. Tuesday will be a whole new world.

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