Saturday, May 22, 2010

Shabbat: A start and a finish

I woke up rather late Friday after not being able to fall asleep the night before until very late.  I had spoken with another participant about shabbat, and so I headed out to buy some food for Shabbat.  In the Shuq I found what I needed, and left.  As I made my way from the Shuk, I stopped to pick up candles.

Tefillin, the man asked.

Ainli Hazman (I have no time) I responded.  What I didn't say is that it's actually that I didn't want to put on tefillin for the first time in the street outside the shuq - I was waiting to do it at the Kotel.  He looked at me quizzically, and I thought back to the proverb that no time suffices as does the present time.  I also thought about the whole idea of judaism, torah, protected by a structure of laws, and finally how place is less important than time.  Lastly, I thought about one of my favorite stories to listen to, "Wasting time with Harry Davidowitz." and Danny's Saba's message: Be true to your gift, don't waste time.  All these thoughts came in an instant, and I decided to stay.  A few minutes later, I was done, my first time over, and ready to enjoy the rest of my life.  One more small pressure removed from my chest.

Shabbat dinner was small, just Izy, Falan, Rachel and Ilana.  I made soup which was never eaten, Lemon garlic chicken schnitzel, there was also salad, and mashed potatoes and a few more dishes, and there was lots of wine.  We sat around talking for a few hours, and then went to a bowling alley around midnight to play billiards.  I was pleased with only one or two of my shots from the evening, my fingers felt awkward with the pool cue.

I slept in Saturday (today) and then spent 5 hours reading, determined to finish my book.  When I came to Israel, Xan and Katie lent me a book a few weeks after I arrived about a Tell in Israel, the book is the called the Source.  It follows both the excavation of the tell and a family through the ages starting more than ten thousand years ago.  In the final pages, you see the two stories tied together.

I don't think the book impacted my views of Israel until those final pages, and I am still very much digesting them.  However, I am happy to put this behind me.  It was enjoyable, but a project that I should have finished much sooner.

I just got off the phone with Mazi, and I will be able to stay in my apartment until this Friday.  We have a trip to the North on Thursday, so that means packing on Tuesday and cleaning on Wednesday.  I have enjoyed this strategic location, and am sad to return to not having my own space in an apartment that is somewhat removed from the main strip.  However, we will come full circle.

Fani and Dan and Hillary (I think) arrived Friday in Israel, so I hope to see them in the coming days.  It will be a nice change of pace to see Family.  Dashiell should be arriving next week as well, if all goes to plan.

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