Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Wednesday in Ramleh / Tel Aviv, Sore toes

Woke up late this morning, a little after 8AM, and decided once again to refrain from clogging my arteries with eggs benedict - but that day will come!

I spent the morning doing Ulpan work, and when I was finished, shifted into doing some work on my leadership seminar business plan.  Success?  Somewhat.  Going to finish working on that tonight.  I won't be able to print it beforehand though, which means bringing my computer, and working on it on the computer, which means I won't be able to work on it over Shabbat.  But hey, that would be work anyway, so that's fine.

Jeff asked me about going to Haleel for lunch.  Sounds great I said.  When?  Around 2, he said.  It was 11, and I wasn't sure if I should eat or not.  I decided to wait.  Well worth the wait, although I decided to have a Tuborg during lunch, and it was as if I was on an empty stomach - I really felt it.

Volunteering at the Jewish Kadima was alright, I just start off my work with the kids making it clear that they won't waste my time, I will just get up and leave.

Reading through a friend's blog, and she makes a really valid point.  We are working with kids who are dealing with issues like being abandoned, which is exactly what is going to happen between us and them in a few more weeks.  I wonder if this has been taken into consideration by the volunteering places, and it will be talked about?  I hope we aren't making anything any worse.

Sherut to Tel Aviv to play beach volleyball.  I decided to walk to Gordon Beach, where I was meeting Xan.  Got hopelessly turned around, and ended up in east Tel Aviv, but eventually made it back to familiar areas.  Unfortunately, unlike other adventures, this one yielded nothing exciting, just some residential housing and a few run down neighborhoods.  I did witness a car accident on the way though.  No one was hurt, except maybe the egos of the drivers, and all our ears as the yelling ensued, and honking from those behind them.

It was my first time really playing beach, pick up games at home have been spotty with rarely the talent to make it enjoyable, or just keep the ball in play.  Israeli's play differently than what I am used to.

First, no setting at all (pretty much, it seems that there is actually a way to set that is ok).
Second, sometimes they play volleyball with no hands at all (I will try to get a video of this, it's pretty awesome to watch)

We lost a lot of points from me accidentally setting, or trying at the last minute to turn a set into something else.  But I had a lot of fun.

I also have really sore toes.  Jumping from your toes in sand for three hours (on and off, we weren't playing all the time) leaves them really sore.  And, I am sandy everywhere.

On the sherut back, a girl sat next to me, and we started talking.  She asked me about Swarthmore (I was wearing my "Thank you sir, May I have another" T-Shirt).  She's a middlebury graduate.  After chatting for a few minutes we realized we have a few shared acquaintances.  Always surprising!

On another note, I emailed me aunt about what to do with a gift I received - a part of a rosemary bush - and she has put me in touch with a woman here who lives close to Ramla that is a friend of hers, so I reached out to her, she emailed me back, and hopefully we are going to meet up at some point.

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