Friday, April 30, 2010

BFL: Shabbaton 3: Day 2

Woke up early this morning to go to this nature reserve that is unique in that it was designed biblically.  There are only flora from biblical times.  We did some team building exercises, which were followed by rather rudimentary conversations.  I enjoyed working with our team to complete tasks (things like open a well with a hook that is connected to four pulleys controlled by four blindfolded people while I stood in the middle directing, but without capability of speaking) but found everything derived from it rather elementary.

We were supposed to have another activity that involved sheep herding - which would have been awesome.  I remember walking through tons of sheep in Peru, but never really trying to herd them anywhere (except into our cooking pot!).  Unfortunately, someone took the sheep home, so we weren't given that opportunity and instead went to archery which was enjoyable.
Our team won the competition.

Came back for a program on dealing with changes to the plan, and we had to present a short story, only right before presenting, our paper was changed for something similar but different, parts were missing.  I did some acting while another narrated.  It brought back memories of the skits we did in Madrid, especially the one with Ryan where we drenched him in water as a reminder for the kids to stay hydrated.  Such memories.

Shabbat starts in a few hours, so people are getting ready.  Fortunately, or unfortunately depending on how it goes tonight, my private room now has three people staying in it.  I was a little spread out from doing work last night around the desk and the bed I selected.

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