Sunday, August 16, 2009

Day at the Beach in Santorini

When traveling in Europe, the most important item you can pack are your sunglasses. I recently became a fan of Raybans. I like them because the aviators are timeless, and you can wear them with anything - thus making it very chic. Have shorts on, but want to get in the club - no problem, the aviators will pull away the bouncers attention and you'll be whisked in, VIP. They also are excellent and protecting your eyes. This is of course extra important when you are driving, or should I say racing against time, to Oia from Fira in order to catch a sunset on your moped. They keep the dust out, and glare away so that you can safely arrive.

Now, they do unfortunately fall short when you are returning after the sun has set on a road that makes peru's mountain routes and highway seem straight, with no guard rails, in the pitch black with a far less than adequate light on your moto. Not a good sign at all. It's probably the most and really only frightening experience of my trip, driving these death mobiles, and yet also the most exhilirating aspect of it as well.

I joined my french neighbors again, 3 lawyers and a consultant.

We spent the morning at the pool after breakfast for a bit reading, and then headed to a beach, finding a lovely little oasis of no-americans-heaven. It was beautiful, and they didn't mind that we just took over a corner of the bar and used it as our base for a day at the sea. What was really cool was the black sand!

After a nice day there, back on our motos, and off to the red beach. Arrived. Looked. Left.
We came back to the hotel, and they grabbed their stuff as they are returning to the mainland tonight before flying out tomorrow. I found out that despite telling me I could stay three nights, I am being kicked out of the hotel because they have decided to put up a group starting tomorrow. I found a place next door to hear for a few euro's less than what I am paying, and move there in the morning. I spend another night after tonight and then head back to Athens.
After we came back, I headed off to catch a sunset, and thus we come full circle to the beginning of this post.

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