Saturday, August 15, 2009

catching up

After Florence, I caught a train to Pisa. Not nearly as exciting as I thought it was going to be. Took some photographs and headed to Rome. Rome is like a museum with a little city amidst it, everything is ancient, and right out there. Of course, if they can, they'll charge you an arm and a leg to look at it. I did the tourist circuit.

Rome was especially awesome because I wasn't in a hotel, I was staying with Karenina's friend, Maurizio. He was a super chill economist who lived in a neat neighborhood with great access to the metro. I could almost land on it if I stepped out from our doorstep and leaped three times.

Rome was Rome, it's a wonderful city, I posted some pictures, you should visit. I saw lots and lots and lots of art. I ate amazing Gelato, and I was treated to lunch by the guide from the Synogogue.

Back to Maurizio.

Unfortunately, our schedules didn't line up that well, so we didn't spend much time together. I was coming in earlier than he was, and leaving before. The last night, however, after dinner in the Jewish Quarter, which was excellent, I stumbled back to the apartment carrying the weight of an entire 750ml + 1 Glass of wine in my veins. I probably would have been fine at that point. Do you want some vodka (no, unfortunately, he did not offer Vode-ka). At first I was hesitant, and then I decided, it was my last night in Rome, I should sit and talk. We stayed up for hours, and being an excellent host, Maurizio kept my glass always full. I guess I wasn't really noticing. Went to bed at three, woke up still drunk. I know because I was talking to myself in German, something I tend to excel at - my german gets better when I have a glass of something strong, and because I felt like I was run over multiple times by a tractor and it's trailor. I had only slept a few hours. The walk to the train station was murder, each step painful. The train was excruciating. The flight was really the end, I think I held my breath most of the way from Rome to Athens. Landed alright in the end, I guess it wore off. No hangover, I was just still a little innebriated in the morning. Still didn't touch anything alcoholic through Milos, until I had a Mythos on Santorini this evening. One was enough as I was flooded by my recent memories.

Milos was pretty boring, not many young people. A nice family, well, parents were nice, took me out for lunch at the beach. I snorkeled a bunch, but saw a few pretty fish. It seems like carribean is the place you need to go for the colorful fish.

The room was gross, water from the faucet was yellow and there were hairs in the bed. Although, comparatively, the place I am writing this from, the mini bar has someone's half eaten cheese in it, not sure if we are going up or down. I wanted to take it out and throw it away, but it might start to smell. I do know all about smelly cheeses and heat after Milan this past winter.

I arrived on time in Santorini around noon.

The bus did not. I bought a calling card to inquire (I had made reservations the night before), and was told 45 minutes. 2 hours later, it arrived. I was already annoyed. Waiting is fine, it's free transportation, provided by the Hotel, but if she was honest, and told me 2 hours, i could have found a place for lunch, or made a decision, and shared a cab with people up to the town.

I arrived, and apparently, my reservation never came to their side. It arrived fine on my side, I had the confirmation number, and everything. Even my card has been charged by the company. I emailed them to ask. The woman insisted that if I wanted the room, I had to pay the full price - my deposit with the company I reserved through I would have to deal with on my own. I didn't feel like arguing anymore. Then she gave me the worst room. This hotel, which I chose for location and views, sells itself on breathtaking vistas. I have a wall. Another hotel's wall. I will have to find her tomorrow and straighten this out immediately.

Santorini is the epitome of touristy. I was reading some things, and it looks like this is pretty much what things have become. It's the same in East Hampton, the tourists used to come for the peace and quiet, the beaches, but they want their starbucks, can't live without that. And so, piece by piece, everything they came to escape slowly follows them here. And eventually, we just recreate our everyday world everywhere. Some vacation.

I have plans for the beaches tomorrow, and then a tour probably the following day. I decided to book a flight back, same price as ferry, but 45 minutes instead of 10 hours on regular or 5 on high speed. I hear that seeing the island from the water is incredible, and so I want to do that since I am flying out, no more boats.

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