Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Morning and birds

Woke up to more splendid weather this morning. Headed to the bank where I was informed that I would have to go to ramleh to close my account. I did have a great conversation with the banker there about america and the war and the lack of spending on other basic and educational needs in america.
"I like the way you think" he told me as I got up to leave.

I found my favorite little bakery where a scrumptious almond croissant waited for me still warm. Devoured it by the beach.

I stopped to read on an empty chair for a while before heading down the beach meandering in the direction of Yafo. On the way back north I stopped to chat with a girl reading a Larrson novel (the first one). I confessed to only watching the movie. We chatted more and I learned she works for British Airways.

Stomach is telling me it's time for lunch.

The photo is of this little bird that hovers above the water about ten meters and then dives in to catch fish. It's quite a spectacle to watch. I have a short video I will try to upload later.
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