Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Back to Israel

On January 12th, 2011 I led a Taglit (Birthright) trip to Israel for Routes / Amazing Israel.  The departure was a bit hectic.  I took the last bus into NYC on the Jitney line.  I learned that they don't go into the city when it snows because of an incident in which a bus caught on fire and burned to the ground, or so I was told.

Arrived, and headed to family friends where I was spending the night.

It was a roller coaster night during which I received numerous phone calls all telling me different things - that the trip was on, canceled, on, canceled.  In the end, we were switched to a later flight and our Zurich layover was lengthened.  We arrived one day late and without my original co staff for the trip.

I landed back in the states on the 23rd of January after nine days in Israel.

Now it is Wednesday, January 26th, and I am preparing for my flight this evening back to Israel (direct this time).  I am hoping the impending snow that starts this afternoon does not cause continental to get cold feet and delay or cancel our flight.

I haven't set my plans for after exactly.  I was intending to travel with my cousin, but he has become unavailable.  With no one to show around, the sites are not as interesting having been to them before.  Petra, Pyramids, and Sphynx are all on the short list for after the program ending.  I haven't set the return date yet for my ticket since I am still unclear what I am going to do while in Israel.

I have decided to wait on Syria and Lebanon since I didn't prepare my visa stuff yet.  I may also watch egypt closely given the current political situation - I don't want to be in the country if another Tunisia occurs.

I spent the morning working on a facebook for myself, in the literal sense, of the participants.  I have such a terrible time with names, I am hoping a reference to either study or use during the trip will make things a bit less embarrassing than in the past when I have completely blanked on names.

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