Saturday, August 7, 2010

Japan thus far... continued part 3

The following images are from my walking of Kyoto.

On nearly every street corner is a vending machine. My favorite remains the milk tea, cold. You can get a wide variety of beverages, although not Coca Cola. This is a nice change.

I guess someone made a thousand small cranes, at least that would be my guess. This was left as a gift at a shrine.

Near every shrine is one of these. I overheard a guide explain that you fill the little cups, wash left hand, right hand, rinse mouth, and then use the rest to pour down the spoon for the next person.

I just like how this photo gives the illusion of the fish swimming in mid air past the clouds. I wish I had taken a few additional shots, I would have if I knew it would come out this way.
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