Saturday, July 10, 2010

Hong Kong

As you can see from previous posts, I have made it to Hong Kong.  I arrived the morning of the 9th, around 1AM after making my through the airport.  Came to campus, dropped off at the wrong building by the cab driver, and eventually found my room, and fell asleep.  For a few hours, soon I was up and running up and down the many stories required to get from dining hall to living quarters.

Orientation ended tonight, I went for dinner in Hang Hua with a few friends, and then explored "Times Square" on my own.  I need to go back during the day to really see the place.

The coolest thing is this octopus card - it's like a debit card, metro card, and bus card all wrapped into one.  You can even pay for things at random stores by just tapping it and walking out.  It saves so much time, and makes it really easy to buy things.

I was overestimating the power of the US dollar, I thought it was 9:1, it's closer to 7, so I need make sure I calculate things correctly.  I think I will go with 5:1 mentally, and that way always be pleasantly surprised.

Oh, and I had chicken feet for lunch.  Yum!

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