Monday, July 19, 2010

CTY Week 2 begins

And so began the second week of CTY.  I found myself starting out in a 2 hour long RA meeting.  I thought back to the days of Physics with Amy Bug, and recalled an exam I had to make up.  I had gone to Amy and asked her if I could reschedule.  I have two exams that morning I explained, and I want to perform the best on both of them.  She looked at me, and said the best thing any teacher could ever say: "Two exams is Two too many."  Then she agreed to come in during the weekend and give me the exam whenever was good for me.  Two hours of RA meeting felt like a little much.

Afterwards, I was drained, I needed to get some fresh air, and off I went with Morgan and Brianna.  We explored a bit of Hong Kong (I got a few pictures of signs, but nothing like I saw people posting during the Olympics when they were in Beijing.  I planned to go out again today, but it seems unlikely.  After staying up until 3 this morning  chatting with friends, I stumbled through my early morning routine.  I should get an award for acting though, I was convincing enough with energy (I'm in the red on this one, I owe my body some sleep) level that my kids didn't seem to notice that I was exhausted.  Maybe a morning nap before venturing out into Hong Kong.

Still looking for a place to have a suit made.  I could really use some help from someone who knows fabrics and could recognize quality stitching.

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